you rose good points, however, from past experience, the discussions on
mailing list don't get that much compiled and applied, if results won't
be easily accessible. Therefore, I created a dokuwiki page and put there
some requirements for writing documentation for modules. Please add your
points there. In this way we can refer very easy and try to enforce :-) .
On 03/04/08 18:16, Edson wrote:
I know that just now we are dealing with SGML to XML
conversion, but it
seams that some point have to be registered:
1- clearer documentation/explanation of the functions internals.
Specifically what they do and what they changes (SIP messages, internal
counters/timers, PV, AVP, etc).
2- make very clear which functions break normal script execution (p.ex. see
the "noisy_ctimer" parameter in TM module" discussion).
And to close a question:
Should the DOC volume include the Doxigen documentation? Where? In a hole
dedicated and separete chapter, or should each module have in it's
documentation another chapter/section just for dealing with this internal
informations? I, particularly would like to see the generated graphs being
merged just after the function/parameter explanation (just for the
external/exported functions/parameters/variables).
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