On Tuesday 26 February 2008, Edson wrote:
I finish the first clean-up of the documentation. It consisted by:
- remove all FAQ and DEVEL files considered empty in content (no content at all or just the default lines);
- remove of the <RevHistory>/</RevHistory> tag (and of course anything Between them);
- remove the comments at the EOF that beginned with "<!-- Keep this element at the end of the file";
The attached file (in ZIP format) is the resulting SVN DIFF file. It was applied over trunk version, revision 3761.
Hi Edson,
i've applied your changes to the svn trunk. There were some issues with the patch on my checkout, so i used the script that you've send me yesterday. ;-)
Anyway, with this changes the module documentation don't build anymore, because the faq and devel files are missing. I guess that should be fixed. :-)
I the header of each files there are the entities defined:
<!ENTITY user SYSTEM "maxfwd_user.sgml"> <!ENTITY devel SYSTEM "maxfwd_devel.sgml"> <!ENTITY faq SYSTEM "maxfwd_faq.sgml">
And on the bottom there included:
&user; &devel; &faq;
For all modules that don't define a own devel file the define and include for that should be removed. And for all files that don't define a own faq file, for the define the new copy on "../../../doc/module_faq.sgml" should be used. This way the empty devel section will be removed from most modules documentation, and the FAQ sections will stays the same. What do you think about this?
There is also a additional issue with the <RevHistory> stuff you removed. This were included in a <chapterinfo></chapterinfo> block. Apparently an empty block like this is not valid, so i think the empty <chapterinfo> must also be removed.
You're quite good with this scripting stuff, perhaps you can take a look?
Thank you,