On Tuesday 04 March 2008, Edson wrote:
Should the DOC volume include the Doxigen documentation? Where? In a hole dedicated and separete chapter, or should each module have in it's documentation another chapter/section just for dealing with this internal informations? I, particularly would like to see the generated graphs being merged just after the function/parameter explanation (just for the external/exported functions/parameters/variables).
Hi Edson,
i think for the moment its better to concentrate on the user visible part of the documentation, not to start to much at once.. :-) I personally don't think that developer informations have a good place in the module READMEs, they should be integrated into the doxygen docs. Doxygen is generated directly from the source, if we maintain the API informations in another place it will be get quickly out of date.
Do you think that this generated graphs are really helpful for normal users understanding the functionality that this module provides? I think they are perhaps to technical, providing to much details.