Hi, Guys...
I finish the first clean-up of the documentation. It consisted by:
1) remove all FAQ and DEVEL files considered empty in content (no content
at all or just the default lines);
2) remove of the <RevHistory>/</RevHistory> tag (and of course anything
Between them);
3) remove the comments at the EOF that beginned with
"<!-- Keep this element at the end of the file";
The attached file (in ZIP format) is the resulting SVN DIFF file. It was
applied over trunk version, revision 3761.
I would like to ask the developers how much is a good time to wait for
comments and revisions before commiting the changes? 1 week? 10 days?
Hi, for now they are just a few modules that include real examples in their
doc. Usually, a module doc just shows examples of how to set each parameter
or use each function, but there is not a "global" example.
I don't know if would be good to include a section "Examples" in the module
doc template (it could saturate the info), or maybe a section "Examples"
containing links to the wiki or external references.
What do you think about it?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
Hi all,
at the moment the modules documentation ships with this FAQ blocks that gives
a few links to the openser homepage and the bugtracker, e.g.:
Its necessary to include this kind of information at this place? The persons
that reads the documentation probably already found the openser
homepage.. ;-)
Or perhaps this FAQ block should be extended? What do you think?
Hi all,
for the people just joining this list and wondering what its all the fuss
about the docbook-xml stuff and such..
Docbook XML is a documentation metaformat, that allows the (relative) easy
creation of documentation for computer science related stuff. It supports the
generation of HTML, PDF and other formats from one XML/SGML source.
There exists a quite good (and short) tutorial for docbook-xml, which covers
also the documentation generation with the old and new toolset at:
To generate the documentation from the docbook source there are several
packages necessary, for example on a debian system: docbook, docbook-dsssl,
docbook-utils, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, xsltproc and lynx.
To test if your installation is complete, run this commands on a svn checkout
of the openser:
- make modules-readme (creates the README documentation for all modules, test
old docbook conversion process)
- make dbschema (creates database schemes with xsltproc)
After this two steps the READMEs and the DB schemes should be updated as you
could check from the file modification stamp.
I personally edit docbook files with a good texteditor or directly in the IDE,
for example kate or kdevelop on KDE. There exists probably many other
capabable editors.
Changes to existing files or new content should be posted as "patch" to a
recent trunk version. This patches could be created with the 'svn diff'
command. A good book for understanding subversion is available at
This patches can be reviewed for correctness with any text editor, most
understand this format and also syntax highlight them. There exists also
graphical tools that display the differences more nicely. For KDE a good one
that i use is 'kompare'.