[SR-Users] R-R to MS Teams Proxy

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Thu Feb 11 17:02:50 CET 2021

Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

> The record_route_preset() is supposed to offer the flexibility of
> setting the address part in RR headers via variables. I do not see how
> the record_route() can be better variant, because it will end up in the
> same kind functionality: for which to use the FQDN? For first of the
> second Record-Route header, or for both?

I was thinking this kind of new function:

  record_route_with_fqdn(first_header_fqdn, second_header_fqdn)

It would work the same way as record_route, but would use the fqdn
param instead of IP address if the param is not "".

So, when INVITE goes to teams, I would make call

  record_route_with_fqdn("tenantX.teams.tutpro.com", "");

and then INVITE comes from teams, I would make call

  record_route_with_fqdn("", "tenantX.teams.tutpro.com");

> These are conditions that are made in configuration file, based on
> routing needs, when deciding what socket to use and where to send. There
> are variables that give access to receiving socket ip/port or sending
> socket.

Yes, I know that the variables exist, but it is messy to use them.

-- Juha

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