[Serusers] ser config reload (was: Re: [Serdev] SER Users and Developers Meeting in Prague, March, colocated with the IETF

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Sun Feb 25 20:21:57 CET 2007

At 18:06 23/02/2007, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:
>> * SER config reload
>>   It would be nice to add the possibility of reloading the config file
>>   without shutting down SER. Consider an instance of SER with 10000
>>   active TCP connections to 10000 useragents. The TCP connections are
>>   maintained by the TCP processes, and if we had "ser reload" it would
>>   have been possible to reload the config file and keep the TCP
>>   processes running. Now, if this is feasible at all I do not know
>>   but it certainly would have been a great feature to have ;)
>It would be nice, but it's too difficult and time consuming (at least in
>the general case). It would require some major changes. So this is a
>"maybe" for ser 5.0 :-)

depends on how far we go. reloading AVPs can address many usecases without
causing a big rewrite.


Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/

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