[Serusers] Re: [Serdev] SER Users and Developers Meeting in Prague, March, colocated with the IETF

Alfred E. Heggestad aeh at db.org
Fri Feb 23 15:07:30 CET 2007


for the SER meeting I would like to propose two items on the agenda:

* Migrate from CVS to Subversion.

   Subversion gives us many advantages such as history on directories
   and atomic commits. Atomic changesets can be reviewed as one diff
   and applied to any branch, if needed. All changes should also be
   sent to -dev list (as today) but perhaps also include the full
   changeset, this makes the change more visible, easier for offline
   viewing and hopefully more eyeballs will spot potential bugs.
   I am sure there are many developers here on the list who have
   good experience with Subversion.

* SER config reload

   It would be nice to add the possibility of reloading the config file
   without shutting down SER. Consider an instance of SER with 10000
   active TCP connections to 10000 useragents. The TCP connections are
   maintained by the TCP processes, and if we had "ser reload" it would
   have been possible to reload the config file and keep the TCP
   processes running. Now, if this is feasible at all I do not know
   but it certainly would have been a great feature to have ;)


Jiri Kuthan wrote:
> Ladies and gentlemen,
> I'm glad to invite you to a meeting of SER users and developers in March 2007, in Prague,
> Czech Republic. See more at http://www.iptel.org/ietf_meeting
> I'm looking forward to seeing you there. In the meantime, please register yourself if you
> plan to attend and don't hesitate to make any agenda suggestions -- SER related ideally, 
> even though any "social" suggestions are perfectly fine too.
> I can promise you it will be a wonderful event -- Prague is beatiful, SER is beatiful,
> and so is the folks involved in SER development -- LET'S MEET!
> -jiri
> --
> Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/ 
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