[Users] IBM machines Supports the OpenSER as production

raviprakash sunkara sunkara.raviprakash.feb14 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 12:33:13 CEST 2007

Hello Users,

I want to know , is OpenSER supports Highly expensive IBM machines for the
VoIP services.

the  Machines like
                 IBM System p™ servers
                 IBM IntelliStation(r) POWER™
                 IBM BladeCenter(r)
                 IBM System i5™, eServer™ i5 and eServer™ iSeries™ systems

These are Unix

I need to install Fedora Core 6 or 5 or SUSE linux into them,

Please help me ........................

Thanks and Regards
Ravi Prakash Sunkara
ravi.sunkara at hyperion-tech.com
M:+91 9985077535
Client and Parent company :- www.august-networks.com
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