[Serusers] SerWeb0.9.3 show me the error :DB Error: no such table Why?

Karel Kozlik karel at iptel.org
Tue Jul 5 10:29:20 CEST 2005

please (CC) the list in your replies.

I exactly don't know why there is a "DB Error: syntax error". May be you 
have some older version of mysql. Serweb needs mysql >= 4.0.

You may also try enable logging in serweb by set config variable 
$config->enable_loging to true. In log file you will see sql queries and 
more descriptive error messages. Please send me it.


zhaomin napsal(a):
> Thank you Karel,I resolve one question that show "DB Error: no such table" by your guidance.but I have a new question  now it is when I want to show accounting and missed calls .it's show me "DB Error: syntax error" why that's for?
>         ZhaoMin
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Karel Kozlik" <karel at iptel.org>
> To: "zhaomin" <zhaomin at kingdream.com>
> Cc: <serusers at lists.iptel.org>
> Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 7:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [Serusers] SerWeb0.9.3 show me the error :DB Error: no such table Why?
>>ser-0.9.3 and ser cvs useing a little diferent DB schema. There is a 
>>confusion in names of tables for user preference. Check the names of 
>>tables in config/config_data_layer.php and match them with you DB schema.
>>zhaomin napsal(a):
>>>I used serweb-0.9.3 and Ser CVS version, I can register and login but 
>>>when I login and open the my account show me error: DB Error: no such 
>>>table.but it's can open the data in the mysql .I have this error prompt 
>>>at many place include admin,anyone have this prompt? How can I resolve it?
>>>   Thanks advance  !   
>>>    ZhaoMin
>>>Serusers mailing list
>>>serusers at lists.iptel.org

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