[Serusers] New user questions

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at iptel.org
Thu Jul 29 11:41:33 CEST 2004

On 7/29/2004 12:56 AM, Andrew Mee wrote:

> I have been looking a little into SER 0.8.12/14 in the last few days 
> for the first time, and I have a few a questions:-
> - I am using SER with the MS RTC 1.2 SDK and I noticed that if I have 
> record_route in the config, the messages between clients don't get 
> through.  Is this normal? Is it fixable? If RTC is non-compliant could 
> a MS compliant module be created (just a thought)?

I do not know about latest M$ RTC, but old ones did not support lr 
parameter for loose routing in its short form (e.g., lr). You need to 
set enable_full_lr parameter of rr module so there will be used lr=on 
which proved to work with M$.

> - I would like to send a MESSAGE to the server at so I can 
> tell the server to perform particular functions, I have set-up a 
> exec_msg to capture these messages to server at to send to a 
> script file, however looking at the environment from the script file I 
> cannot see the actual message content. Again, is this possible?

Extracted from README:

1.4.2. exec_msg(command)

   Executes an external command. The whole message is passed to
   it in input, no command-line parameters are added, output of
   the command is not processed.

You should be able to read the whole message from input in your script.

If you can achieve what you want with exec module, you may consider writing your own module.


> I'm sure I'll have more questions but that'll do for now :)
> Thank-you!
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