[Serusers] Another Newbie Question: About Voice Mail

Klaus Darilion darilion at ict.tuwien.ac.at
Sun Aug 24 11:48:57 CEST 2003

1. you have to install sems - the voice mail server

2. you must usr the vm module of ser to redirect calls to the voicemail server  (example config file: http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ser/sip_router/modules/vm/etc/ser.cfg?rev=1.11&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup)

3. before you redirect calls to the vm module, you may check if the user has enabled voicemail using the "group" module. e.g.:
   if (is_user_in("Request-URI", "voicemail")) {


-----Original Message-----
From:	Nell Bolen [mailto:nell at plank-road.com]
Sent:	Sun 24.08.2003 07:59
To:	serusers at lists.iptel.org
Subject:	[Serusers] Another Newbie Question: About Voice Mail
Hello List,

Thank you very much for helpful replies to previous questions. List answers solved the problems with both 
SER and serweb pages. I really do appreciate the help -- was lost without it.

Have at least one outstanding item: voice mail. If I register a test user and in that "my account" enable 
Forwarding to Voicemail, then save new settings, next, at right a small table containing 3 rows 
(Access-Control-list:, blank, voicemail) appears.
At the same time, I see that the ser table "grp" has added a new row and that the "grp" is 
"voicemail." Okay fine, but I have no idea what all this means and what I must next do to enable 
voice mail for users. Can't find hints in the server instructions, no instructions for serweb, so will 
search these archives. In the meantime, any clues about voicemail are very much appreciated.
Again, thank you folks who help the ignorant ....

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