[SR-Dev] what to do if function names differ?

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 09:51:02 CEST 2009

On 04/21/2009 07:36 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
> [...]
> there is thus need to standardize doc format and have documentation of
> all common modules up to data, before we can even dream to announce this
> project to users.
if we wait for something perfect, then we will fail. This is open source 
and as soon as we get community involved, the project evolves much 
better. Couple of us worked full time for the past two months to get the 
modules integrated. This cannot last for too long time and I prefer to 
get out with something that is not that perfect, but in this way get 
more potential work force.

Nobody will get a penny for digging up and write documentation. From 
past experience, docs achievements in openser was done with large 
contribution of the community. From the group involved now, there are 
not so many that contributed to the wiki or the rest of docs resources 
so far, therefore we need more to help here.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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