[Kamailio-Devel] initializing shared variables from database

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Mon Aug 25 08:24:59 CEST 2008

Alex Balashov writes:

 > I do not know that this would have the effect of making Kamailio more 
 > user-friendly, especially for those using it in applications where a 
 > database is not required and there is no interest in setting one up.

of course it would not help if you don't have a database and don't have
a web based management system.  my proposal was not database specific
though.  you could do whatever you like in "server_init" route block.

the feedback that i have received from my users is that they don't like
editing text files and would prefer a web based interface instead.  to
me it does not sound attractive to make my web server to do text based
editing of config file.  i would rather like to change the values in a

-- juha

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