[Devel] Re: priorities in osp reply?

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Wed Jan 4 08:30:40 CET 2006

Dmitry Isakbayev writes:

 > Actually the OSP spec does support this functionality, but the OSP module
 > does not.  I will have to study how to implement this feature in the OSP
 > module.  Can you please suggest additional use cases that would need this
 > type of functionality.

the use case would be OSP using enum as backend.  in that case, OSP server
would need to map NAPTR preferences to OSP peer ordering where some
peers could be of same order.

 > Yes you are correct, tokens are not required.  Destinations with tokens
 > would be trusted and destinations without tokens would be untrusted.  ENUM
 > route discovery combined with OSP tokens is a good idea.

enum doesn't discover any routes. it just returns an ordered set of sip
or tel uris.  once got those, OSP server could check if domains of any
sip uris are in its peer database and if so, it would include the tokens
of those in its answer.  OSP server would thus not need to look at the
user parts of the uris at all.

-- juha

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