Hola a todos!
Soy nuevo con WeSip, y me ha surgido el primer problema tonto que no sé solucionar :).
Tengo wesip corriendo sobre OpenSER 1.2.0, y quiero probar un HelloWorld Servlet que simplemente recibe un MESSAGE request para sip:greetings@amd-openims.test, responde un 200 OK, y a continuación manda un MESSAGE request con un mensaje "Hello, World!". El servlet está metido en un sar en webapps, e instalado con el web app manager de wesip. OpenSER está configurado para reenviar cualquier request de tipo MESSAGE hacia wesip. La conexión por seas parece estar funcionando bien. Sin embargo, cuando pruebo a mandar un MESSAGE desde un cliente alice@amd-openims.test, la consola de WeSIP suelta lo siguiente:
SeasMessageEvent [SeasRouter] - New message received, from to over UDP SeasTransactionEvent [SeasRouter] - hash_index = 54974,label=620758046 flags=0 ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[0]] - peerAddress = ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[0]] - About to process MESSAGE sip:greetings@amd-openims.test SIP/2.0 SipConnector [ExpressMChannel[0]] - createProcessor: Reusing existing processor SipProcessor [ExpressMChannel[0]] - An incoming message is being assigned SipProcessor [SipProcessor[4]] - <<<<<<<<< Request Received <<<<<<<<< MESSAGE sip:greetings@amd-openims.test SIP/2.0 Route: sip:;lr=on,sip:iscmark@scscf.amd-openims.test:6060;lr=on;s=1;h=0;d=0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKeb6d.ff7360e1.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKeb6d.000ef08.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-b370c6252d6ad226-1--d87543-;rport=63926 Max-Forwards: 14 To: "Servicio HelloWorld" sip:greetings@amd-openims.test From: "alice" sip:alice@amd-openims.test;tag=737cbe08 Call-ID: Y2FiYmY0MmM2NjFhYzU5NWUzNTE2MmM5MWY2ZjdhMGI. CSeq: 2 MESSAGE Allow: INVITE,CANCEL,ACK,BYE,INFO,OPTIONS,MESSAGE,SUBSCRIBE,NOTIFY,REFER Content-Type: application/unknown? User-Agent: X-Lite release 1011s stamp 41150 P-Charging-Vector: icid-value="P-CSCFabcd4739818c00000007";icid-generated-at=;orig-ioi="amd-openims.test" Content-Length: 262
SeasHashTable [SipProcessor[4]] - Inserting hashIdx:54974 label:620758046 into hashTable SipProcessor [SipProcessor[4]] - Transaction [z9hG4bKeb6d.ff7360e1.0] is new Transaction?? --> true EngineSipMapper [SipProcessor[4]] - Request from mapped to: ConvergedEngine[WeSIP_engine].StandardHttpHost[localhost] ConvergedEngineValve [SipProcessor[4]] - Invoking Host:localhost ConvergedHostValve [SipProcessor[4]] - SipSession not found for requestMESSAGE, trying match against Rules ConvergedHostValve [SipProcessor[4]] - No servlet-mapping matched this Request. SipResponse [SipProcessor[4]] - >>>>>>>>> Sending Response >>>>>>>>> SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKeb6d.ff7360e1.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKeb6d.000ef08.0,SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-d87543-b370c6252d6ad226-1--d87543-;rport=63926 Max-Forwards: 14 To: "Servicio HelloWorld" sip:greetings@amd-openims.test From: "alice" sip:alice@amd-openims.test;tag=737cbe08 Call-ID: Y2FiYmY0MmM2NjFhYzU5NWUzNTE2MmM5MWY2ZjdhMGI. CSeq: 2 MESSAGE Content-Length: 0
LingerList [SipProcessor[4]] - scheduled transaction z9hG4bKeb6d.ff7360e1.0 for deletion ExpressMessageChannel [SipProcessor[4]] - sending with spiral=false SipConnector [SipProcessor[4]] - recycle: Recycling processor SipProcessor[4] ActionRouter$ActionSender [ActionSender] - Writing 509 bytes into Action Socket SeasHashTable [ExpressMChannel[0]] - Removing hashIdx:54974 label:620758046 from hashTable SeasHashTable [ExpressMChannel[0]] - Transaction with id:z9hG4bKeb6d.ff7360e1.0, hash_idx:54974, label:620758046 removed from the Seas Hash Table ExpressMessageChannel [ExpressMChannel[0]] - Done processing MESSAGE sip:greetings@amd-openims.test SIP/2.0
Y en mi cliente recibo el Error 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist. No sé si tengo algo mal en mi server.xml o en el propio servlet. Alguien podría echarme un cable?
Adjunto un zip con la configuración de openser y wesip (openser.cfg y server.xml) y el servlet HelloWorldServlet.
Gracias y un saludo!