Hola Samuelm
ICE me da que se convertirá en otro dolor de cabeza... es *muy* complicado!.
totalmente de acuerdo.....has visto la interoperabilidad de las diferentes implementacinoes en el último SIPit?
No, no lo había visto... lo acabo de mirar y es alucinante:
Support for various things in the endpoints: 10% ICE (but there was no interoperability - see below) 0% ICE-TCP
Y este párrafo es matador:
We had a multiparty sesssion for a full morning focusing on NAT traversal. Basic use of STUN with SIP is hightly interoperable. No two implementations of TURN could even start trying to talk to each other (each having implemented to different points in the recent torrent of changes). I don't think we'll get much implementation feedback until the spec stops making big changes so frequently. No two implementations of ICE worked together. The closest was between two implementations that have worked in the past, but failed during this session when the connectivity checks arrived before the SDP.
tenemos (rtp|media)proxy para rato...
Ya te digo, para mucho rato!
Saludos JesusR.
------------------------------------ Jesus Rodriguez VozTelecom Sistemas, S.L. jesusr@voztele.com http://www.voztele.com Tel. 902360305 -------------------------------------