El Monday 03 March 2008 14:22:45 David Villasmil escribió:
Response received Cause value in
the REL
----------------- ----------------------
400 Bad Request 41 Temporary Failure
401 Unauthorized 21 Call rejected (*)
402 Payment required 21 Call rejected
403 Forbidden 21 Call rejected
404 Not found 1 Unallocated number
405 Method not allowed 63 Service or option
406 Not acceptable 79 Service/option not
implemented (+)
407 Proxy authentication required 21 Call rejected (*)
408 Request timeout 102 Recovery on timer expiry
410 Gone 22 Number changed
(w/o diagnostic)
413 Request Entity too long 127 Interworking (+)
414 Request-URI too long 127 Interworking (+)
415 Unsupported media type 79 Service/option not
implemented (+)
416 Unsupported URI Scheme 127 Interworking (+)
420 Bad extension 127 Interworking (+)
421 Extension Required 127 Interworking (+)
423 Interval Too Brief 127 Interworking (+)
480 Temporarily unavailable 18 No user responding
481 Call/Transaction Does not Exist 41 Temporary Failure
482 Loop Detected 25 Exchange - routing error
483 Too many hops 25 Exchange - routing error
484 Address incomplete 28 Invalid Number Format (+)
485 Ambiguous 1 Unallocated number
486 Busy here 17 User busy
487 Request Terminated --- (no mapping)
488 Not Acceptable here --- by Warning header
500 Server internal error 41 Temporary failure
501 Not implemented 79 Not implemented, unspecified
502 Bad gateway 38 Network out of order
503 Service unavailable 41 Temporary failure
504 Server time-out 102 Recovery on timer expiry
504 Version Not Supported 127 Interworking (+)
513 Message Too Large 127 Interworking (+)
600 Busy everywhere 17 User busy
603 Decline 21 Call rejected
604 Does not exist anywhere 1 Unallocated number
Nortel usa RFC 3398 para el mapping (o eso dicen)
606 Not acceptable --- by Warning header
¡Yeah! Brutal la info, gracias :)
Iñaki Baz Castillo