El día 11 de marzo de 2009 4:13, Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net escribió:
Según las trazas SIP que mostrabas antes, tu opensips está rutando los INVITE directamente a Asterisk. No has mostrado tu código dónde haces el lookup, pero algo está fallando allí.
te lo envio iñaki y gracias por tu help ...
route[2] { # # -- Register request handler -- # if (is_uri_host_local()) { if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) { www_challenge("", "0"); exit; }; if (!check_to()) { sl_send_reply("403", "prohibido"); exit; }; save("location"); exit; } else if { sl_send_reply("401", "Desautorizado"); }; } route[3] { # # -- INVITE request handler -- # if (is_from_local()){ # From an internal domain -> check the credentials and the FROM if(!allow_trusted()){ if (!proxy_authorize("","subscriber")) { proxy_challenge("","0"); exit; } else if (!check_from()) { sl_send_reply("403", "Prohibido, use From=ID"); exit; };
} else { log("Request bypassed the auth.using allow_trusted"); }; if(avp_db_load("$ru/username","$avp(s:callfwd)")) { avp_pushto("$ru", "$avp(s:callfwd)"); route(1); exit; }
if (uri=~"^/*") { route(4); }
consume_credentials(); # Verify aliases lookup("aliases"); if (is_uri_host_local()) { # -- Inbound to Inbound
route(10); } else { # -- Inbound to outbound route(11); }; } else { # From an external domain -> do not check credentials #Verify aliases, if found replace R-URI. lookup("aliases"); if (is_uri_host_local()) { #-- Outbound to inbound route(12); } else { # -- Outbound to outbound route(13); }; }; } route[10] { #from an internal domain -> inbound #Native SIP destinations are handled using the location table append_hf("P-hint: inbound->inbound \r\n"); if (uri=~"^sip:[2346597][0-9]{6}@.*") { # if (is_user_in("From", "local")){ if (is_user_in("credentials", "local")){ route(4); exit; } else { sl_send_reply("403", "No tienes permiso para llamadas locales"); exit; }; };
if (!lookup("location")) { xlog("L_INFO","$Crx404 User Not Found$Cxx\n"); if (does_uri_exist()) { revert_uri(); prefix("u"); rewritehostport(""); route(1); } else { sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; }; sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; }; route(1); }
route[11] { # from an internal domain -> outbound # Simply route the call outbound using DNS search append_hf("P-hint: inbound->outbound \r\n"); route(1); } route[12] { # From an external domain -> inbound # Verify aliases, if found replace R-URI. lookup("aliases"); if (!lookup("location")) { xlog("L_INFO","$Crx404 User Not Found$Cxx\n"); sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); exit; }; route(1); } route[13] { #From an external domain outbound #we are not accepting these calls append_hf("P-hint: outbound->inbound \r\n"); sl_send_reply("403", "Forbidden"); exit; }
route[4] { rewritehostport(""); route(1); }
Dará algún mensaje de error.
xlog("L_INFO","$Crx404 User Not Found$Cxx\n");
si te los anexo , es como que no reconoce los caracteres Crx404 ...
sbin/opensips[9705]: ERROR:core:pv_parse_spec: error searching pvar "Crx404" Mar 11 09:00:10 twoxserver /sbin/opensips[9705]: ERROR:core:pv_parse_spec: wrong char [4/52] in [$Crx404 User Not Found$Cxx ] at [6 (0)] Mar 11 09:00:10 twoxserver /sbin/opensips[9705]: ERROR:xlog:xdbg_fixup: ERROR: wrong format[$Crx404 User Not Found$Cxx ]! Mar 11 09:00:10 twoxserver /sbin/opensips[9705]: ERROR:core:fix_actions: fixing failed (code=-1) at cfg line 247 Mar 11 09:00:10 twoxserver /sbin/opensips[9705]: ERROR:core:main: failed to fix configuration with err code -1 Mar 11 09:00:10 twoxserver /sbin/opensips[9705]: NOTICE:presence:destroy: destroy module