El Monday 19 November 2007 16:58:13 Iñaki Baz Castillo escribió:
Voy a tratar de revisar el RFC3261 donde habla del comportamiento "alternativo" del in-dialog OPTION, pero si pudieses ayudarme un poco indicándome dónde se especifica (tengo un peso muy pesado delante XD).
Yo no lo veo nada claro:
¿Se debe responder a un OPTIONS in-dialog con 200 OK ó 404/481 dependiendo de si el diálogo existe o no en vez de tratarlo como un OPTIONS initial request en el que se responde 200 OK si el usuario existe y acepta llamadas o 404/486 si no existe o no acepta llamadas?
**** A favor (y con pinzas):
11 Querying for Capabilities
[...] An OPTIONS request MAY be sent as part of an established dialog to query the peer on capabilities that may be utilized later in the dialog.
11.1 Construction of OPTIONS Request
[...] The response to an OPTIONS request is assumed to be scoped to the Request-URI in the original request. However, only when an OPTIONS is sent as part of an established dialog is it guaranteed that future requests will be received by the server that generated the OPTIONS response.
**** En contra:
11 Querying for Capabilities
11.2 Processing of OPTIONS Request
The response to an OPTIONS is constructed using the standard rules for a SIP response as discussed in Section 8.2.6. The response code chosen MUST be the same that would have been chosen had the request been an INVITE. That is, a 200 (OK) would be returned if the UAS is ready to accept a call, a 486 (Busy Here) would be returned if the UAS is busy, etc. This allows an OPTIONS request to be used to determine the basic state of a UAS, which can be an indication of whether the UAS will accept an INVITE request.
An OPTIONS request received within a dialog generates a 200 (OK) response that is identical to one constructed outside a dialog and does not have any impact on the dialog.
12 Dialogs
12.2.2 UAS Behavior
[...] Requests that do not change in any way the state of a dialog may be received within a dialog (for example, an OPTIONS request). They are processed as if they had been received outside the dialog.
Me parece que voy a tener que agachar la cabeza delante de Ollew...