[Kamailio-Users] Generate INVITE from Openser

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 09:38:38 CEST 2009

On 10.08.2009 17:21 Uhr, karhu wrote:
> I will have to generate an INVITE later on so i am using this topic to ask
> you something. I'm working on having in one side a sequence (BYE +
> (re-INVITE+ newSDP)). The new SDP will have some more media parameters than
> the initial one.  
> I have been reading documentation, and it seems there is an issue to
> generate a bye, by using : 
> dlg_bye(side) function from dialog module or uac_req_send() from uac module. 
> I've been trying to use these functions in Kamailio.cfg but it doesn't
> generate any bye at all on wireshark trace !! 
> Using dialog module : 
> Informations about caller, callee, callid are well stored into the DB but
> When i am calling : 
> dlg_bye("callee") no BYE is send to the callee...
note that this function works only for established dialogs -- so you 
have to track the call with dialog module.

> Using uac module : 
> $uac_req(method)="BYE";
> $uac_req(furi)="sip:bob at"
> $uac_req(turi)="sip:alice at"
> uac_req_send();
> to execute one of these functions i puted them in route[66] with a xlog line
> and using rtimer module to be sure it is well executed. xlog line is
> executed but no BYE on wireshark :s 

Probably the filter is not right. Watch all the network interfaces you have.

> About the INVITE+SDP : 
> Is it possible to generate an INVITE from the cfg file ? will uac_req_send()
> can have a body on his method? i guess no !! 
You can have a body with the uac_req_send(), see the readme of the uac 
module. But probably won't help you much, since kamailio does not handle 


> The only way i found to generate INVITE+SDP is to use MI commands from tm
> module :  t_uac_dlg !! am i right ?
> Best regards,
> karhu

Daniel-Constantin Mierla
* SIP Router Bootcamp
* Kamailio (OpenSER) and Asterisk Training
* Berlin, Germany, Sep 1-4, 2009
* http://www.asipto.com/index.php/sip-router-bootcamp/

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