[OpenSER-Users] To-tag of 200 for CANCEL

Andreas Granig agranig at sipwise.com
Wed Mar 26 15:16:21 CET 2008

Corrected list address.

Andreas Granig wrote:
> Hi Bogdan,
> Yes, and I also read some older discussions about this topic like 
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/sipping/current/msg03071.html but 
> still I'm quite uneasy regarding the phrasing in RFC3261 saying "that 
> the To tag of the response to the CANCEL and the To tag in the response 
> to the original request SHOULD be the same". It doesn't clearly state to 
> which response it refers - the final 487 for the INVITE or maybe to 
> possible 180/183 (although I understand the consequences and 
> implications of parallel forking etc.).
> I currently don't have a trace available, but is the To-tag in the 200 
> to the CANCEL really the same as the To-tag in 487 to the INVITE, as the 
> RFC suggests, or is the 487 just passed through?
> Andreas
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> Have you went through this:
>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1818469&group_id=139143&atid=743020 
>> There is also a reference to a discussion (on the topic) on sip 
>> implementers list.
>> Regards,
>> Bogdan
>> Andreas Granig wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually, someone pointed out a previous discussion about that issue. 
>>> Interesting read. 
>>> http://www.openser.org/pipermail/users/2007-October/014049.html
>>> Andreas
>>> Andreas Granig wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> One more question regarding the CANCEL processing:
>>>> RFC says in §9.2 regarding the 200 for a CANCEL:
>>>> #+
>>>>     This response is
>>>>     constructed following the procedures described in Section 8.2.6
>>>>     noting that the To tag of the response to the CANCEL and the To tag
>>>>     in the response to the original request SHOULD be the same.
>>>> #-
>>>> OpenSER (1.3.1) on the other hand does generate a different To-tag 
>>>> and doesn't use the one from the response of the original request. 
>>>> Why is that? Anything we can do about this?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Andreas
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