[OpenSER-Users] Configuration Data....?

Jeremy McNamara jj at nufone.net
Fri Jan 11 01:39:59 CET 2008

Douglas Garstang wrote:
> I need a way in OpenSER to store some simple configuration data.
> For example, if a parameter is set, I might perform database updates 
> with avp_db_query().
> I looked at the dbtext, db_berkeley and flatstore modules and realise 
> that they cannot be used for storing generic information. They are 
> designed to be used as a db store for userloc info etc.
> So, simple question, how can I store global persistent (on disk is ok) 
> information and retrieve it with OpenSER?

Perhaps I don't follow you, but what about setting the value(s) you need 
using avp_db_query?   I use stored procedures to pull off some rather 
advanced functionalities without too much trouble.

I think you may need to take another look at the design itself, perhaps.

Jeremy McNamara

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