[OpenSER-Users] OpenSER 1.2.2 - Problem with database (postgres?)
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
daniel at voice-system.ro
Fri Aug 17 15:19:52 CEST 2007
On 08/17/07 15:16, Frey, Daniel (external) wrote:
> Hi *,
> I installed the new version 1.2.2, but now the loading of modules fails
> when loading the domain module. With 1.2.1 everything worked fine.
> Some more tests lead me to the conclusion that the problem is likely to
> be caused by accessing the database, since I commented out the domain
> module and I could even register a user which does not need to access
> the database (no authorization required), but when trying to register a
> user with digest authorization, it dies when accessing the database.
> Symptons are: On the first database access, the process dies
> immediately, without further messages in /var/log/messages or elsewhere.
> Setting debug=9 doesn't help to gather more information.
> Anyone else who can confirm this problem? Any ideas/solutions?
how have you upgraded? via svn update or packages? can you do "ulimit -c
unlimited" before starting openser in debug mode, maybe you are lucky to
get a core.
> BTW: I'm using postgres, not mysql - just in case it matters...
> Regards, Daniel
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