[Devel] Re: [Users] cvs is frozen

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Mon Sep 12 11:30:47 CEST 2005

Klaus Darilion wrote:
> 1. Sometime the UDP threads get screwed up. Fifo and TCP threads are 
> still working (also TCP in and UDP out) but UDP packets sent to openser 
> are not processed.

Could this be related to the problem I reported here?

What exactly does happen in your case? Does the load also go up? What's 
the SIP message which screws up SER?

> 2. Sometimes the tm module rans out of memory. The tm module keeps old 
> transactions in memory but apparently it does not delete them when they 
> get expired.

Hmm... I've 2GB of RAM for the SER hosts, but I've to restart SER every 
other week or so because it eats up quite a lot of memory.

> But bugs haven't appeared yet in normal usage, but when testing against 
> the protos test suite.

We've some Cisco ATA 186 running with a 3.1.1 firmware, and they quite 
often send broken SIP messages ("%d" instead of ports and so on). Maybe 
these sometimes cause the errors, but I'm not sure.


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