[Users] Re: [Serusers] Help with MySQL acc query
Evan Borgstrom
evan.borgstrom at ca.mci.com
Tue Nov 1 19:46:04 CET 2005
If a UA doesn't change it's call id on every new transaction or it
reuses call id's then drop support for the UA in your network and tell
the vendor to fix their broken implementation. I'm tired of seeing
little kludges to deal with one or two broken vendors. Section
of RFC 3261:
In a new request created by a UAC outside of any dialog, the Call-ID
header field MUST be selected by the UAC as a globally unique
identifier over space and time unless overridden by method-specific
behavior. All SIP UAs must have a means to guarantee that the Call-
ID header fields they produce will not be inadvertently generated by
any other UA.
AFAIK there's no method specific behavior for INVITE's that would
warrant the UA's reusing call-id's...
Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
> Be careful because some user agents use same call id many times. To be
> 100% sure, you have to check the From and To tags, too.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 10/31/05 17:31, Evan Borgstrom wrote:
>> Here's a query to find "active calls".
>> t1.from_uri as orig_number,
>> t1.to_uri as term_number,
>> DATE_FORMAT(t1.timestamp, '%a %b %D %Y, %h:%i:%s %p') as calldate,
>> t1.sip_callid as callid
>> acc t1
>> t1.timestamp > (NOW() - 14400) AND
>> t1.sip_method='INVITE' AND
>> t1.sip_callid NOT IN (SELECT t2.sip_callid FROM acc t2 WHERE
>> t2.sip_method = 'BYE')
>> The calldate is formatted a way that I prefer (eg. Mon Oct 31st 2005,
>> 09:49:20 AM), feel free to change it. The other thing to note is
>> "t1.timestamp > (NOW() - 14400)", this sets the query to only find
>> INVITEs in the last 4 hours to handle situations where INVITEs are
>> sent but BYEs aren't.
>> -Evan
>> Daryl Sanders wrote:
>>> I'm trying to come up with a query on the acc table that will return
>>> all INVITES that don't have a matching BYE. I'm basically looking for
>>> sessions that are currently open.
>>> - Daryl
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