[SR-Users] tcpconn_main_timeout

Kjeld Flarup kjeld.flarup at liberalismen.dk
Sat Mar 17 10:45:09 CET 2018

We are developing an app with a pjsip client.

I see this error when trying to send an invite from kamailio.

Mar 17 00:29:46 raspberrypi /usr/sbin/kamailio[18720]: ERROR: <core> 
[tcp_main.c:4258]: tcpconn_main_timeout(): connect 
failed (timeout)

A few seconds before did a register.

I can understand that either the TCP connection was close by the other 
end or no one is listening.

How much can I see in a pcap from this scenario? I cannot see the 
invite, but somehow there must be some TCP communication to show what is 

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    Civilingeniør, Kjeld Flarup - Mit sind er mere åbent end min tegnebog
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