[SR-Users] Fix missing Via with t_reply() (was: Kamailio 4.3.4: receive_msg(): no via found in reply)

Mikko Lehto mslehto at iki.fi
Mon Aug 14 14:30:20 CEST 2017

2016-03-18 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com> wrote:

> My guess that the sbc_5 is so poor implemented that it takes the Via
> from last request, which is CANCEL, but CANCEL is a hop-by-hop request
> in this case. If my guess is confirmed, the implementation of sbc_5 is
> really far away from RFC3261, something that I haven't probably seen
> since 2002/3.
> To test, you can try to use forward() for CANCEL instead of t_relay().
> But you need to know where to send it -- same address as for INVITE --
> you can hardcode some values in config for sake of simplicity to test. A
> proper workaround can be built using htable module to store where the
> invite was sent, using call-id as a key.

Hi Grant, Daniel

I accidentally found this 2016 thread and wanted to share my different solution.

I ran into similar issue: 487 reply from SIP phone UA came with
insufficient Via headers after CANCEL.
In fact situation looked exactly like described above:
Via stack for reply to INVITE seem to be taken incorrectly from CANCEL.
I did not observe any errors from Kamailio, but Asterisk chan_sip
(original INVITE sender) spits:
parse_via: received request without a Via header
handle_incoming: Dropping this SIP message with Call-ID 'abc', it's incomplete

My quick solution was to reply locally with t_reply() when
branch with missing second via was winning:
 ...usrloc lookup()...

+    # Save branch ruid if broken Via detected
+    # If this branch wins, Via will be "fixed" with local reply
+    if ( $T_rpl($sel(via[2])) == $null ) $avp(secondviamissing) = $T(ruid);
+    if ( $avp(secondviamissing) != $null && $avp(secondviamissing) == $T(ruid) )
+    {
+        # Some UAs (VP530P seem to copy Via stack from CANCEL
+        # Lets "add" missing Via by creating internal reply
+        append_to_reply("X-log: viafix\r\n");
+        t_reply("$T(reply_code)", "$T_reply_reason");
+        exit;
+    }

That seems to do the trick, at least in simple non-branching case.

What do you think?
(other than using single $avp(secondviamissing) for whole transaction...) 


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