[SR-Users] catching lost websocket ua

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Mar 1 09:02:53 CET 2016

Juha Heinanen writes:

> The function that is run at the close has ws_connection_t argument:
> static void wsconn_run_route(ws_connection_t *wsc)
> ws_connection_t record has these two fields:
> 	int id;			/* id and id_hash are identical to the values */
> 	unsigned id_hash;	/* for the corresponding TCP/TLS connection */
> Is id the same thing as what is stored in connection_id field of
> location table?

I added a syslog message to wsconn_run_route(ws_connection_t *wsc)
function and indeed wsc->id contains the connection_id.  I'll assign it
to a pv after master is again available for new stuff.

-- Juha

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