[SR-Users] IP-based security + registrations

Sergey Okhapkin sos at sokhapkin.dyndns.org
Fri Dec 9 01:24:04 CET 2016

Sure you can. Look at "permissions" module, allow_source_address() function.

On Thursday, December 08, 2016 05:48:39 PM JLL wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to know if anyone can help me accomplish the following:
> I have a Kamailio server (4.2.3 on CentOS 7 x64) and 5 Asterisk servers
> ( . I know, it's old but we have a lot of custom modules written for
> it).  I need for certain IP's to be "trusted" (able to send INVITE's to K
> from the internet - these would be our origination providers), but any
> other IP's that come along would need to register before sending an INVITE
> (the REGISTER would be sent to any of the Asterisk servers for validation,
> if this is possible).
> Can this be done?
> Thank you!

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