[SR-Users] TLS capture with sip_trace()

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 11:25:38 CET 2015


On 13/01/15 00:30, Mikko Lehto wrote:
> Hi
> I am getting incorrect source port to Homer web while tracking
> outgoing request from my proxy to remote SIP server.
> Juha Heinanen <jh at tutpro.com> wrote in another thread:
>> in case of tcp (and tls) the source port is always a random one.
>> only the destination port can be predetermined.
> Interface capture (tcpdump) shows exactly what Juha wrote
> i.e. random source port for TLS connection.
> I always get local TLS listener address as Homer source_port,
> clearly not true when comparing to output of tcpdump.
> I am calling sip_trace() from branch_route and onsend_route.
> Is it even possbile to use siptrace with TLS so that
> it records correct TCP (random) source port to Homer?
> I tried briefly printing some structure variables in
> siptrace/siptrace.c but it seems that real source port
> is not available in struct dest_info at that context.
I guess siptrace is taking the details from sip msg structure at a time
before tcp connect(), which can happen later if async tcp is enabled. It
shows intended local socket for sending.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda

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