[SR-Users] Using dialog_ng

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 12:02:00 CET 2015


I haven't used the dialog_ng module, but (as expected based on the
dialog module) if you only set the FLT_DIALOG flag, then the dialog is
created when calling t_relay(). The dialog module has dlg_manage()
function which creates the dialog immediately, maybe that's in dialog_ng
as well.


On 04/02/15 05:28, Shane Harrison wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think the lack of response to my previous thread is probably because it was too complicated.  I have now narrowed my problem down after further archive readings .
> I am trying to use the dialog_ng module along with the ims_charging_module.  Upon reception of an INVITE, a call to the Ro_CCR() from the request_route script is made.  That function does a check that the dialog record exists (binds to dialog module and does a "get_dlg(msg)" call) - this fails i.e. dialog is not found.
> Running kamailio 4.2.2 and relevant sections of kamailio.cfg are:
> modparam("dialog_ng", "dlg_flag", FLT_DIALOG)
> modparam("dialog_ng", "timeout_avp", "$avp(DLG_TIMEOUT_AVP)")
> modparam("dialog_ng", "detect_spirals", 1)
> modparam("dialog_ng", "profiles_no_value", "orig ; term")
> request_route {
>         # NAT detection
>         route(NATDETECT);
>         # Set DLG flag to track dialogs using dialog2
>         if (!is_method("REGISTER|SUBSCRIBE"))
>                 setflag(FLT_DIALOG);
>         # handle requests within SIP dialogs
>         route(WITHINDLG);
>         ### only initial requests (no To tag)
>         # CANCEL processing
>         if (is_method("CANCEL"))
>         {
>                 if (t_check_trans())
>                         t_relay();
>                 exit;
>         }
>         t_check_trans();
>         if (is_method("INVITE"))
>         {
>                 set_dlg_profile("orig");
>                Ro_CCR("CHARGING_CCR_REPLY", "orig", "SCUR", "", "30","CCR_location");
>        }
> So my question is, "should the above logic create a dialog record on the initial INVITE?" and if yes then "what possible reasons might there be for the Ro_CCR() function not be able to detect it exists?"
> Cheers
> Shane Harrison
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference, May 27-29, 2015
Berlin, Germany - http://www.kamailioworld.com

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