[SR-Users] Kamailio with NATted RTPproxy

Jean-Marie Baran jean-marie.baran at ama.bzh
Tue Aug 18 16:23:36 CEST 2015

On 18/08/2015 16:00, Jean-Marie Baran wrote:
> On 18/08/2015 15:44, Fred Posner wrote:
>> On 08/18/2015 09:39 AM, Jean-Marie Baran wrote:
>>> Should I understand that the router should send the packet back to
>>> Kamailio which then send them to the SIP server ?
>> RTP packets will flow from client to client or with rtpproxy, from
>> client <-> rtpproxy <-> client.
> Err, I meant RTPproxy, not Kamailio, but yes. In the SDP, is it maybe 
> smarter to put the Kamailio (RTPproxy) private IP address in the c= 
> field, so that the client contact directly RTPproxy without passing 
> through the router first (which does not make much sense to me).

Okay, I did not replaced the public address of RTPproxy (ip_public) in 
the SDP by its private address (ip_private), but I simply redirected all 
the traffic that was going from my computer to ip_public, to ip_private. 
Now RTPproxy actually receives the RTP packets, and relays them to the 
right IP afterwards ! However there is still no audio/video, but now 
it's another problem.

Thank you for your help Fred.

*Jean-Marie Baran*
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