[SR-Users] Replacing DR Module with Perl Script

Nick Cameo symack at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 16:54:09 CET 2014

Hello Daniel! Thank you so much for your response. Inline exist.

>> all you need is to put the most preferred gateway in the request uri and
the rest of the options in a list of avps.
>> Then use failure route to send to the addresses stored in avps in the
case the most preferred fails to answer.

I am assuming you mean using the to do_routing, and use_next_gw methods in
the script? A small example or reference
would be great help.

>> Not a user of Perl API, but I think you have the methods to set values
to r-uri and avps.

If anyone can bring my attention to a:

i) A method that can build the ruri using `ip` and `prefix` parameters that
we pass to it
ii) Check if the route fails so we iterate to the next gw in the list

Beers on me!!!! :)

Kind Regards,

Nick from Toronto

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