[SR-Users] event_route

Bruno Bresciani bruno.bresciani at gmail.com
Wed May 15 15:00:40 CEST 2013

Hi Daniel,

Sure Daniel, I can process 487 on onreply route... I was trying to handle
487 in failure_route block, I didn't know it can be processed in

I know that rtpproxy destroys the session by itself in short time it is not
confirmed, but I'm trying to force it the most amount of possible cases.

Now, my final problem (I hope) is destroy the rtp session when receive the
BYE message to finish a forking call. I have to add “extra_id_pv” and use
"b" parameter to get destroy the session on rtpproxy, but I don't know if
exist somehow to discover if the BYE belongs a forking call context. I
tryed use $branch variable but without success...

Best Regards

2013/5/15 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>

>  Hello,
> On 5/14/13 7:15 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
> Thank's Daniel,
>  I need process cancel requests to delete sessions on rtp proxy... In a
> call forking, when I need forking to multiple destinations on different
> network segments, requiring different rtpproxy parameters, I use the
> “extra_id_pv” and "b" parameter in the rtpproxy_offer() function to created
> a session RTP to each branch of calling in rtp proxy. When one of branch
> answer the call, I want delete the other(s) session(s) on rtp proxy
> (unforce_rtp_proxy()) using the CANCEL SIP message to do this, but I can't
> get handle it in configuration file...
> I am wrong trying use the CANCEL message to delete session rtp? I will try
> onsend_route to handle...
> maybe you can do it onreply route, when the invite is replied with 487.
> Anyhow, rtpproxy destroys the session by itself in short time it is not
> confirmed.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
>  Best Regards
> 2013/5/14 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>
>>  Hello,
>> why do you need to process cancel requests? They have special routing
>> requirements related to associated invite and sent from tm directly. The
>> event route is for the requests sent by modules via tm.
>> Haven't tried, but maybe onsend_route will capture it.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 5/14/13 12:30 AM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
>>  Hi All,
>>  in a call forking, after one branch answer the call (200 OK reply), a
>> CANCEL SIP message has been sending to other/another branch(es) and I need
>> to process this/these cancellations in configuration file. After reading
>> some documentations, I discovered there is event_route[tm:local-request]
>> block, which is executed when tm generates internally and sends a SIP
>> request,  Such cases are:
>>  SIP messages sent by msilo module
>> SIP messages sent by presence server
>> SIP messages sent by dialog module
>> SIP messages sent via MI or CTL interfaces
>>  I didn't understand very well this cases, so I insert event_route block
>> in my kamailio.cfg but neither CANCEL SIP message or other requests
>> generated by tm module was handled by event_route. I must be using wrong
>> concept to handle this CANCEL SIP message, it's possible handle this
>> messages in configuration file?
>>  Best Regards
>>  _______________________________________________
>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing listsr-users at lists.sip-router.orghttp://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
>> --
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.comhttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>> Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
>>   * http://asipto.com/u/katu *
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>> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
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> --
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.comhttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
> Kamailio Advanced Training, San Francisco, USA - June 24-27, 2013
>   * http://asipto.com/u/katu *
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