[SR-Users] Changing Domain in To URI

qmail at polarismail.com qmail at polarismail.com
Fri Apr 5 18:15:04 CEST 2013

Let me also explain a bit what I'm trying to fix through this method.

We have an Asterisk box that forwards call through kamailio to one of  
our carriers. That works great. The calls are being forwarded with a  
To of: 5551112222 at kamail1.domain.com  towards our carrier

We also added another kamailio 'load-balancer' (using dispatch module  
) box in the middle of all this to try and eventually load balance the  
calls. So the setup looks like this: Asterisk -> Kamailio Load  
Balancer -> Kamailio gateway -> Carrier. The problem with this setup  
is that now our carrier doesn't accept the calls and returns a 500 -  
Internal error message. The only difference I saw is that the To in  
the packets now look like this:
5551112222 at kamail-load-balance.domain.com

I'm thinking the carrier is blocking us based on not recognizing the  
domain part in the URI and that's why I'm trying to change it. Does it  
make sense ?

Quoting qmail at polarismail.com:

> Sorry if I repeat myself - I just subscribed properly to the list:
>> if you don't need to change it back for replies and next requests, try:
>> $td = "xyz.com";
>> IIRC, that is available on 3.2.x. If not, either you upgrade or use  
>> replace functions from textops.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
> Thank you for replying. We tried the direct assignment of  
> $td="xyz.com" but the variable doesn't change. We are doing an xlog  
> print right after and an ngrep and we confirmed that the domain part  
> of the URI doesn't change. I also tried a subst() and it's the same  
> problem. I read on the online documentation that the variable is  
> read-only and I figured it can't be changed through these methods.  
> That's why I tried uac_replace_to().
> To sum it up, is that variable read-only or not ?
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