[SR-Users] Changing Domain in To URI

qmail at polarismail.com qmail at polarismail.com
Fri Apr 5 18:06:40 CEST 2013

Sorry if I repeat myself - I just subscribed properly to the list:

> if you don't need to change it back for replies and next requests, try:
> $td = "xyz.com";
> IIRC, that is available on 3.2.x. If not, either you upgrade or use  
> replace functions from textops.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Thank you for replying. We tried the direct assignment of  
$td="xyz.com" but the variable doesn't change. We are doing an xlog  
print right after and an ngrep and we confirmed that the domain part  
of the URI doesn't change. I also tried a subst() and it's the same  
problem. I read on the online documentation that the variable is  
read-only and I figured it can't be changed through these methods.  
That's why I tried uac_replace_to().

To sum it up, is that variable read-only or not ?

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