[SR-Users] Kamailio 3.2.4 presence

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Oct 16 17:18:01 CEST 2012

Vitaliy Aleksandrov writes:

> db_mode is 0 (DB_MEMORY_ONLY) and according to comments in the 
> presence.h kamailio holds subscription in memory and periodically 
> updates to db, but retrieves from db only at startup.
> And it's true, I see that kamailio tries to update the active_watchers 
> table, but it never inserts new subscriptions there.

i suggest you upgrade to 3.3.  according to its readme, subs_db_mode=0
means that db is disabled.  perhaps it was the same with 3.2, which
according to its readme does not have db_mode param.

-- juha

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