[SR-Users] pkg mem problems. Leaking?

Jon Bonilla (Manwe) manwe at aholab.ehu.es
Wed Nov 7 11:53:25 CET 2012

El Tue, 6 Nov 2012 12:09:31 +0100
Jon Bonilla (Manwe) <manwe at aholab.ehu.es> escribió:

> As example one uf the external udp receivers uses less than 1MB while one of
> the internal ones uses almost 6MB. I'm attaching the mem dump of one of those
> internal udp receiver processes via 
> "ngcp-sercmd lb cfg.set_now_int core mem_dump_pkg 25437" command. I see
> several tens of thousands of lines like these ones: 
> N  address=0x7fd1207383c0 frag=0x7fd120738390 size=56 used=1
> alloc'd from <core>: parser/parse_param.c: parse_params(539)
> start check=f0f0f0f0, end check= c0c0c0c0, abcdefed

This mail was waiting moderator request yesterday. Meanwhile Richard Fuchs
tried to debug this issue and looks like he found a mem leak problem. I'm now
testing a patched version in the same server and let's see if that was the case.

I'm attaching the patch I'm testing at the moment if someone is curious about



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