[SR-Users] kamailio debug send messages

Reda Aouad reda.aouad at gmail.com
Tue May 22 09:11:02 CEST 2012

I second that.

Siptrace doesn't log everything, but workarounds can be done, such as using
a combination of setting a flag and using the sip_trace( ) function, and
using them as well from the onsend_route for some outgoing messages, with
careful handling to prevent duplicate logging.


On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Klaus Darilion <
klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at> wrote:

> In my opinion it would be cool if core has a feature to log every received
> and every sent message. The logging should include
> timestamp+proto+sourceIP:port+**receivedIP:port for received messages and
> timestamp+proto+sourceIP:port+**destinationIP:port for sent messages. For
> TLS of course it should log the encrypted message.
> Configuration should be done with a core parameter "message_log=0-4",
> similiar to memlog.
> IIRC there were again issues with siptrace not logging all messages and
> for example on a load balancer I do not want to use a DB just for logging.
> Thus, I think this would be a good feature for 3.4 release.
> regards
> Klaus
> On 11.05.2012 09:30, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 5/9/12 11:45 PM, Bruno Bresciani wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Why kamailio send to syslog only received SIP messages? I want see the
>>> messages that kamailio send to the UAs, it's possible?
>>> On TCP/TLS SIP messages there is a degub of buffer with the message
>>> that will be send, but a strange content has been shown... following
>>> the log:
>>> *tcp_send: buf= ^W^C^A^B0HFCðg^W^R
>>> £MÃ<8f>C^U<8f>ÃQB^^,¼8ÃÃ^**KZÃÃ|<97>¼zÃö<82>ìñÃ%sÃâ**³g¿Ã
>>> S©<97>}y<91>.<94>ð¯ô<8f>**Y¿¥µf<9d>ë<8f><9d>*
>>> My kamailio is version 3.1.2 and run with global parameter 'debug=3'
>>> and send the syslog messages.
>> debug messages printed to syslog from the source code are because the
>> developer needed/wanted them for troubleshooting.
>> As an admin, you have the option of using xlog to print what ever
>> messages you want. In 3.1.x there is onsend_route to see outgoing
>> requests via $snd(...) variable.
>> But if you want to get the sip traffic going through kamailio, better
>> use siptrace module which stores requests/replies in database table.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> --
>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla -http://www.asipto.com
>> http://twitter.com/#!/miconda  -http://www.linkedin.com/in/**miconda<http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda>
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