[SR-Users] XMLOPS xpath issues

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Mon Feb 27 21:41:59 CET 2012

2012/2/27 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <daniel at kamailio.org>:
> However, there is a mismatching between the xml standards and SIP/SIMPLE
> specs. In XML, the namespaces are bound to prefixes, while the guys at IETF
> added by their own so called default namespace, which has no prefix for it.
> That results in not being able to use directly xpath from libxml2 with
> SIMPLE bodies.
> There were some discussions out there (you can google, iirc Inaki was in
> couple of them), in one side, the devs of libxml2 said they don't want to
> break XML standards by allowing bogus xpath queries with such namespaces.

Right. IETF SIMPLE group decided to break xpath 1.0 compatibility
(what libxml2 implements) to save just a fews bytes in the XML !
Really annoying.

Some time ago I did an ugly workaround in a C project to "fix" it.
What Daniel suggests is similar and unfortunately is the way to go in
this century.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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