[SR-Users] Local call routing accross many kamailio servers

Alex Balashov abalashov at evaristesys.com
Mon Dec 10 12:38:11 CET 2012

You can fix this by changing the db_mode on your usrloc module to use the database strictly, instead of doing runtime caching and periodic syncing to DB, or the other modes available. 

Ali Jawad <ali.jawad at splendor.net> wrote:

>I do have 3 kamailio servers sharing the same db, calls go to Asterisk
>that works great, I did purchase a DID and point it to one of the
>servers, it works fine so far for that kamailio server as the call is
>forwarded to the softphone ..but ONLY if the user is registered on the
>kamailio server the DID is forwarded to..if the kamailio user is on
>kamailio server it does not work..although the database and location
>are shared.
>Simple diagram
>DID Provider <=== DID Kamailio ===> Kamailio Servers A, B, C
>If a softphone registers on DID Kamailio and I call the DID it works,
>if a
>softphone registers on Kamailio A or B or C, I never get the call,
>at ngrep the call just stays on DID Kamailio and it does not try to
>send it
>to any other server, how can I make the Kamailio DID lookup the
>from the location table and send the call there ?
>SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
>sr-users at lists.sip-router.org

Sent from my mobile, and thus lacking in the refinement one might expect from a fully-fledged keyboard. 

Alex Balashov - Principal 
Evariste Systems LLC 
235 E Ponce de Leon Ave 
Suite 106 
Decatur, GA 30030 
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.alexbalashov.com/

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