[SR-Users] Siremis: changes to Kamailio DB

Peter Dunkley peter.dunkley at crocodile-rcs.com
Mon May 30 20:53:23 CEST 2011


I believe that the Kamailio database changes are:
- Additional fields in the acc table
- A new statistics table (for holding things like shared memory usage) -
usually updated by a timer event in kamailio.cfg
- A new cdrs table
- A stored procedure to populate the cdrs table by processing the acc
table - the stored procedure is usually run from a cron job.

I seem to recall that there are some .sql files in the Siremis source for
these changes.



> Hi!
> I just read the Siremis installation howto. One of the task of the
> installer is: "Update SIP Database - this updates the structure of
> Kamailio database for accounting and charts modules"
> I wonder what siremis exactly does to the DB. Is greped over the siremis
> source file but couldn't find the changes. Are they somewhere
> documented? (e.g. .sql file with the statemens).
> Anyway, I wonder changes are needed at all. IMO, if possible, the
> Kamailio DB should not be changed by an external too - otherwise this
> may cause problems with updates to the Kamailio DB structure.
> Thanks
> Klaus
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Peter Dunkley
Technical Director
Crocodile RCS Ltd

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