[SR-Users] Proxy setup in a non-recursive mode

Abdul Hakeem alhakeem at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 14:06:12 CEST 2011

Thanks for the response.
Is Kamailio able to do a route lookup via HTTP get/post & pass the variables
received to it's routing table before routing the call ?

-----Original Message-----
From: sr-users-bounces at lists.sip-router.org
[mailto:sr-users-bounces at lists.sip-router.org] On Behalf Of Klaus Darilion
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:46 AM
To: SIP Router - Kamailio (OpenSER) and SIP Express Router (SER) - Users Mailing
Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Proxy setup in a non-recursive mode

Being the "R-Proxy" is quite easy with Kamailio.

# lookup route and set new RURI

# add any custom headers to response

# send 302 (new RURI will automatically added as Contact header)

Of course Kamailio has no influence how the Gateway will behave on
reception of the 302 response.


Am 27.06.2011 19:03, schrieb Abdul Hakeem:
> Hello,
> Could anyone help with suggestions on how to setup a Proxy ( R-Proxy)
> that only does a route lookup and pass the parameter back to origination
> Proxy/Gateway A to forward the call based on the new parameter.
> On receipt of an invite from GW/Proxy A,   R- Proxy will do a route
> lookup for the called number 447988870290,
> If it finds a route then it should append the network prefix to the new
> INVITE or rewrite the INVITE 23430442088870290 in the 302 Moved
> Temporarily message sent back to GW/Proxy A in the Contact field and
> there are two CC-Diversion header fields included; at GW/Proxy (IP
> address) who originated the call and already has a route or dial plan
> for the new prefix and also another one for same at GW/Proxy (IP address).
> Is there any way to do this without creating a loop in the network ?
> Previously this setup can be achieved with the originating network
> having 2 GW/Proxies  i.e. GW/Proxy A  and GW/Proxy B. In the 302
> Temporarily moved message  the Contact will show GW/Proxy B, while the 2
> CC-Diversion header fields will add GW/Proxy B  and GW Proxy A.
> Regards,
> Abdul Hakeem
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