[SR-Users] userblacklist error using characters

"Nicolas Rüger" NicolasRueger at gmx.de
Sun Oct 10 12:46:50 CEST 2010


HOW can I configure "userblacklist" module to accept the matching of characters as well??? 

I'm trying to use the "userblacklist" module with characters instead of numbers, so that I can even blacklist SIP-URIs like "user01 at test.com".

Unfortunately the "userblacklist" module or more specific "dtrie.c" returns the following error when I pass such a username:

  ERROR: <core> [dtrie.c:128]: cannot insert non-numerical character

I checked in "dtrie.c" and found the following comment:

"Its optimized towards the usecase of a matching tree that contains only digits, e.g.for LCR or blacklist modules. Nevertheless it also supports the matching of characters when configured correctly"

So my question is: 

HOW can I configure "userblacklist" module to accept the matching of characters as well??? 

Thank you...


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