[SR-Users] lookup(), received an $du

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Thu May 13 11:30:28 CEST 2010

On 5/12/10 11:33 AM, Andreas Granig wrote:
>> at the first sight, looking into the code, should be the same in 1.5.
>> Are you sure is different? Practically the registrar/usrloc were touched
>> just a bit, nothing in the lookup or save functionality.
> Hmmm... You're right, I'm not sure about 1.5, since I only used this 
> version for load-balancing.
> At least, I can confirm it was working fine with 1.3. However, it's 
> definitely reproducable with 3.0, since I only have this one on my lab 
> servers at the moment.
> You need any additional information or something to track it down?
no, I found it in the code. I am going to commit on master soon.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
* http://www.asipto.com/
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