[Serusers] PRACK on forked response

Stephen Paterson Stephen.Paterson at ACULAB.COM
Wed Jul 9 15:01:47 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I'm using SER purely for testing purposes just now. Currently testing
our handling of forked responses and hit upon the following situation:

My outgoing INVITE is forked to two UASs (also our own SIP endpoint),
one of which sends a reliable 180 and the other an unreliable 180. The
UAC sends a PRACK on the dialog ID of the reliable response but SER
forwards this response on to both UASs the result being the UAS that
sent the unreliable 180 responds to the PRACK with a 481 (the PRACK
contains a To-tag that part defines a dialog unknown to that UAS). I
confess I can't find anything describing this scenario in any RFC but it
strikes me as incorrect behaviour on SERs part.

Does SER support PRACK? If not then no matter, I can live with it - it
doesn't affect the outcome of any call. If it does, does anyone have any
thoughts on this?



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