[Serusers] Unix Socket Problem
frq ser
frq.ser at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 3 12:46:19 CET 2008
Thanks for your reply Stefan. Here is the log from SEMS 0.10.0, which
I just installed.
This log is in two parts. The first one (with a few lines missing from
the top) is displayed when sems is started. The second part is
displayed when I send the INVITE message.
Thanks again for your help.
SEMS-0.10.0 log (Part 1)
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/stat
s.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'stats' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/anno
uncement.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'announcement' load
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/wav.
so ...
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 1 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 2 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'PCMU' inserted with id 0
and order 100
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'PCMA' inserted with id 8
and order 108
(24406) DEBUG: addFileFormat (AmPlugIn.cpp:610): file format Wav inserted
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/ilbc
.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 4 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'iLBC' inserted with id 97
and order 197
(24406) DEBUG: addFileFormat (AmPlugIn.cpp:610): file format iLBC inserted
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/webc
onference.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'webconference' loa
(24406) DEBUG: loadDiPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:479): component 'webconference' loaded
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/ann_
b2b.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'ann_b2b' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/sess
ion_timer.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadSehPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:457): session component 'session_time
r' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: loadDiPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:479): component 'user_timer' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/uac_
auth.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadSehPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:457): session component 'uac_auth' lo
(24406) DEBUG: loadDiPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:479): component 'uac_auth' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/echo
.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'echo' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/earl
y_announce.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'early_announce' lo
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/reg_
agent.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'reg_agent' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/regi
strar_client.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadDiPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:479): component 'registrar_client' loa
(24406) DEBUG: loadSIPehPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:502): sip event handler component '
registrar_client' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/voic
email.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'voicemail' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/conf
erence.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'conference' loaded
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/ivr.
so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'ivr' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/gsm.
so ...
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 3 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'GSM' inserted with id 3 a
nd order 103
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/anno
unce_transfer.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'announce_transfer'
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:172): AmPlugIn: modules loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:174): AmPlugIn: Initializing plugins...
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'first_parti
cipant' to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'join_sound'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'drop_sound'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'enter_pin'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'wrong_pin'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'entering_co
nference' to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '0' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '1' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '2' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '3' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '4' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '5' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '6' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '7' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '8' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '9' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (WebConference.cpp:104): Using adaptive playout buffer as
playout technique.
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (WebConference.cpp:127): Webconference will strip 5 leadin
g characters from direct room access usernames
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: init (AmCtrlInterface.cpp:231): AmUnixCtrlInterface::init @ /tmp/
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (AnnounceB2B.cpp:66): AnnounceFile = default_en.wav
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Conference.cpp:258): Using adaptive playout buffer as pla
yout technique.
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Echo.cpp:52): session_timer_f == 0x0000000009500490
(24406) DEBUG: add_env_path (AmUtils.cpp:891): setting PYTHONPATH to: '/usr/loca
(24406) DEBUG: Ivr-Python: Python-Ivr logging started
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:469): ** IVR compile time configuration:
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:470): ** built with PYTHON support.
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:475): ** Text-To-Speech disabled
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:478): ** IVR run time configuration:
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:479): ** script path: '/usr/local/lib
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:495): directory '/usr/local/lib/sems/ivr/' opened
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3083512736 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: run (SIPRegistrarClient.cpp:190): SIPRegistrarClient starting...
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3084868512 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3083512736 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: run (SIPRegistrarClient.cpp:190): SIPRegistrarClient starting...
(24406) INFO: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:522): Application script registered: conf_auth.
(24406) INFO: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:522): Application script registered: mailbox.
(24406) INFO: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:522): Application script registered: mailbox_query
(24406) INFO: onLoad (Ivr.cpp:522): Application script registered: pin_collect.
(24406) ERROR: onLoad (RegistrationAgent.cpp:69): Account for registration not c
orrectly configured.
(24406) ERROR: onLoad (RegistrationAgent.cpp:70): RegistrationAgent will not reg
ister any accounts.
(24406) DEBUG: init (StatsUDPServer.cpp:144): udp_port = 5040
(24406) DEBUG: init (StatsUDPServer.cpp:186): socket bound at port 5040
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: loadEmailTemplates (AnswerMachine.cpp:298): loading /usr/local/et
c/sems//default.template ...
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'first_parti
cipant' to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'join_sound'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'drop_sound'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'enter_pin'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'wrong_pin'
to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt 'entering_co
nference' to prompt collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '0' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '1' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '2' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '3' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '4' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '5' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '6' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '7' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '8' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: setPrompt (AmPromptCollection.cpp:81): adding prompt '9' to promp
t collection.
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (WebConference.cpp:104): Using adaptive playout buffer as
playout technique.
(24406) DEBUG: onLoad (WebConference.cpp:127): Webconference will strip 5 leadin
g characters from direct room access usernames
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:221): AmPlugIn: Initialized plugins.
(24406) DEBUG: main (sems.cpp:377): Starting session container
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3078294432 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3078294432 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3076889504 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 3076889504 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: main (sems.cpp:380): Starting media processor
(24406) DEBUG: init (AmMediaProcessor.cpp:61): Starting 1 MediaProcessorThreads.
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: main (sems.cpp:383): Starting mailer
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: main (sems.cpp:386): Starting RTP receiver
(24406) DEBUG: start (AmThread.cpp:135): Thread 0 is just created.
(24406) DEBUG: init (AmCtrlInterface.cpp:231): AmUnixCtrlInterface::init @ /tmp/
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3075836832 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3074784160 is starting.
(24406) DEBUG: _start (AmThread.cpp:68): Thread 3073731488 is starting.
Ser's unix socket: /tmp/ser_sock
our unix socket: /tmp/sems_sock
reply unix socket: /tmp/sems_rsp_sock
plug-in path: /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in
daemon mode: 0
local IP:
default application: <not set>
(24406) DEBUG: main (sems.cpp:371): Loading plug-ins
(24406) DEBUG: AmPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:102): adding built-in codecs...
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 0 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 6 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'telephone-event' inserted
with id 96 and order 196
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:136): AmPlugIn: loading modules in directory '
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/stat
s.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'stats' loaded.
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/anno
uncement.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'announcement' load
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/wav.
so ...
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 1 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 2 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'PCMU' inserted with id 0
and order 100
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'PCMA' inserted with id 8
and order 108
(24406) DEBUG: addFileFormat (AmPlugIn.cpp:610): file format Wav inserted
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/ilbc
.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: addCodec (AmPlugIn.cpp:540): codec id 4 inserted
(24406) DEBUG: addPayload (AmPlugIn.cpp:572): payload 'iLBC' inserted with id 97
and order 197
(24406) DEBUG: addFileFormat (AmPlugIn.cpp:610): file format iLBC inserted
(24406) DEBUG: load (AmPlugIn.cpp:146): loading /usr/local/lib/sems/plug-in/webc
onference.so ...
(24406) DEBUG: loadAppPlugIn (AmPlugIn.cpp:435): application 'webconference' loa
And the second part of the log is this:
(24406) DEBUG: run (AmServer.cpp:93): revents = 1
(24406) DEBUG: cacheMsg (AmCtrlInterface.cpp:186): recv-ed: <0.3
sip:200 at
sip:rsf at
sip:rsf at
sip:200 at
9787963-3319555348-76751 at
P-MsgFlags: 0
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:127): req.method = <INVITE>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:128): req.user = <200>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:129): req.domain =
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:130): req.dstip = <>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:131): req.port = <5070>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:132): req.r_uri =
<sip:200 at>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:133): req.from_uri =
<sip:rsf at>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:134): req.from =
<sip:rsf at>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:135): req.to =
<sip:200 at>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:136): req.callid =
<9787963-3319555348-76751 at>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:137): req.from_tag = <>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:138): req.to_tag = <>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:141): cseq_str = <100>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:147): cseq = <100>(100)
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:149): req.key = <47668:470495812>
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:150): req.route =
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:151): req.next_hop =
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:156): hdrs = <P-MsgFlags: 0
(24406) DEBUG: execute (AmInterfaceHandler.cpp:161): body = <>
(24406) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:110): AmRequestHandler::execute:
mandatory parameter is empty (from|to|callid|from_tag)
(24406) DEBUG: run (AmServer.cpp:93): revents = 0
On 1/2/08, Stefan Sayer <stefan.sayer at iptego.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> frq ser wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I am running the simple configuration in which SER 0.9.7-pre1 serves
> > as Proxy (at port 5060) and SER-SEMS is the media server (at port
> > 5070). At port 5070, the SER version is 0.9.6-pre1 and SEMS version is
> > 0.10.0-rc2. I have placed log commands in the config files just to
> > record the process flow.
> >
> > Using SIPSAK, I am sending an INVITE (for SER-SEMS at :5070) through
> > the proxy. My sipsak message is this:
> > C:>sipsak -f invite.txt -s sip:200 at -vvv
> >
> > The request enters the proxy ser.cfg file and is redirected to the
> > SER-SEMS (see the log messages below). The user name (200 at ...) is used
> > by if statement to invoke the announcement application. However, I
> > don't see any response from the unix socket (no announcement played)
> > nor do I see any error message, and the connection finally times out.
> >
> > Can anyone please tell me how I can check whether the unix sockets are
> > doing their job or not? Why does the process not return any error and
> > why does it just time out?
> what does the sems log look like if you start sems with -D 3 -E ? does
> it run and receive the message?
> thanks
> Stefan
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your help.
> > Frq
> >
> > PS: Here are the (somewhat condensed) versions of SER and SEMS outputs
> > (log messages mostly), SIPSAK responses, and the relevant config
> > files. I apologise for sending a huge email.
> p.s. I would recommend sems 0.10.0 -
> ftp://ftp.iptel.org/pub/sems/sems-0.10.0.tar.gz
> --
> Stefan Sayer
> VoIP Services
> stefan.sayer at iptego.de
> www.iptego.de
> iptego GmbH
> Am Borsigturm 40
> 13507 Berlin
> Germany
> Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 101010
> Geschaeftsfuehrer: Alexander Hoffmann
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