[Users] How to reduce load of mediaproxy

Alex _alex_ at ukr.net
Fri Feb 23 15:58:43 CET 2007


I'm sorry if this question was asked before, I googled and did not found
references to it.

I'm interested in reducing load of mediaproxy (using mediaproxy 1.8.0,
Is it possible to connect callers not behind NAT directly and how configuration
should look like?

I want to direct traffic by this scheme:

Caller                Proxy              Called

NAT        <-   mediaproxy   -> NAT
NAT        <-   mediaproxy   -> not NAT
not NAT <-   mediaproxy   -> NAT
not NAT <- direct connect -> not NAT

I tried configuration something like this:

route {
if (client_nat_test(3)) {

onreply_route[1] {
if (client_nat_test("2")) {

And it works fine then caller is behind NAT and called is not (NAT <-> not NAT)
- traffic was directed via mediaproxy.
But, then caller is not behind NAT and called is (not NAT <-> NAT), this
configuration does not work.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

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