[Users] Re: Request for discussion: t_relay() internal error processing

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Sep 5 23:52:27 CEST 2006

Hi Mark,

I agree that error handling is delicate subject that was not approached 
so far. But as I said in my initial mail this topic will make the 
subject of an another email.

the return code of t_reply() will not encode the error type, but the 
stage were the error occurred in order to be able to recover and take 
the proper actions.


Mark Kent wrote:

>>>   2) t_relay will return several error codes:
>>>         -1 = no transaction created -> need to use sl_* functions
>>>         -2 = transaction created, relay failed -> may destroy 
>If I understand this correctly, the difference between these two
>return codes really has to do with who it is that cares about it...
>-2 relates to this exact call, at this exact moment,
>chances are the very next call the openser box handles will be OK.
>It looks to me like -1 means serious trouble, for the entire call
>switching platform.  It sounds like it could happen because of a
>resource shortage (memory), possibly because of a bug in openser, 
>or a bug in the openser.cfg.  If you get -1 once, then the chances that
>you'll get the same code on the next call are very high.
>Let's say we've run out of memory.  Then, what tools are available at
>the openser.cfg script level that can handle this?  Is there a way to
>force some internal garbage collection?  Or to do a warm-restart
>(e.g., trash all transactions, but not registrations)?
>My point here is this: if I'm right about -1 meaning serious trouble
>that is likely to mean serious problems from now on, then this is a more
>general problem than just t_relay, and much bigger than just handling this
>one call or a call to one particular neighbour.
>It's true that the application may halt and catch fire, but there are
>plenty of errors that are catchable by openser and the larger question
>seems to be:  what do we do then?
>If there were script-level tools that could be used to try to manage
>the failure, possibly clean up (in a large way) and try to keep going,
>then maybe we should have openser_failure route blocks that the
>user can register with openser to handle various errors.
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