[Users] key exchange failed with MIKEY

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Sat Oct 14 20:33:08 CEST 2006


the limitation you say about it is configuration file, there is no size 
limitation hardcoded in openser. Look for condition:

if (msg:len >=  2048 )

in your configuration file.

Watch the syslog file, there might be other errors accompanying the INVITE, maybe it is carrying a multi-part body and you use nathelper or media proxy.

On 10/08/06 16:11, Gregoire wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I set up my Openser with TLS for signaling and it works well. I use
> Minisip as softphone and it registers successufully over TLS.
> But I have the following problem when I try to make a call using SRTP:
> Openser denies the INVITE cause its size is more than 2048 and then it
> makes an error as "Message too big".
> Even if I try to bypass this error in the configuration, the INVITE is
> still denied.
> In fact, I saw that Minisip uses MIKEY for the key exchange, and put it
> in the SDP body, and then it makes quite big but I don't understand why
> the size must be under 2048.
> Does someone have any idea to help me?
> Thanks
> Greg
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